Notice is hereby given that the forty seventh Annual General Meeting of members of Masimba Holdings Limited for the year ended 31 December 2021 will be held virtually on Monday 20 June 2022.
The Board wishes to advise the shareholders of the following changes in its composition:
Migration of Masimba Holdings Limited to the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange Depository.
Trading Update for the Quarter Ended 30 September 2021
In 2020, Team Masimba celebrated the achievement of a 1 million Lost Time Injury – Free manhours milestone.
The coronavirus disease, COVID - 19, outbreak continues to be dominant worldwide, which developments are a cause of concern.
The Chimanimani area has been experiencing heavy rains since the beginning of the rainy season.
Masimba is proud to be associated with the Dance Trust of Zimbabwe. Annually, we erect a stage for the Starlight Dancing performances.
On learning of the plight of our fellow countrymen in Manicaland due to the effects of Cyclone Idai, we immediately availed a TLB, Excavator and a standby DPF
Masimba is proud to be associated with the Dance Trust of Zimbabwe.
Masimba Construction received national SHEQ performance recognition at the NSSA Safety and Health at Work event